Friday, 26 March 2010

Yay I got in!!!!!

I did it! Yesterday I got an offer to do HND Photography at the Glasgow Metropolitan College. Of course I accepted straight away! I am so excited and a little nervous to be going back to full time education after 20 odd years! The really exciting thing is that the college is as of September, able to offer a degree in Photography, so if I make it through the HND, I hopefully will be able to go on and do my degree!

Monday, 15 March 2010


Welcome to another photography blog! This one will be to accompany my new website when I get round to deciding what I want on it!
So to start with a belated Happy New year to everyone!!! We had a fantastic Christmas, loads of snow (so did the rest of the UK!), nice company & no hassles ( except for the usual one! hahaha) I designed some Christmas cards, but as usual didn't get them printed, so I sent them as e-cards & maybe I will get them printed next year!!! I have been spending a lot of time learning new techniques on photoshop, and really trying to improve my photography!
With the New Year I also started a 365 project on Flickr this is where you have to go out and take a photo for each day of the year and upload it to Flickr! It's very demanding, and quite often it has been 10pm and I've suddenly remembered that I haven't taken a shot for the day!!!! But saying that it does help improve my photography if I go out and actively seek a shot!
I have found while doing my 365 a rekindled love affair with home baking! so much so that I have started up a new blog, with all my recipes & photos, hopefully inspiring other to get baking! It's working on Flickr as others have used the recipes & then taken a shot of their finished articles!

Glasgow Metropolitan College

Went along to the open day on 11th March, to see what it is all about!!!! Such a tall building! and where is the photography dept. on the top 2 floors!!!! I hate heights & I don't really like lifts to much either. Well I made it to the top, and found it extremely interesting on our guided tour! We got to see the studios, dark rooms and labs. Went back downstairs (via the stairs!!) to speak to one of the lecturers about the course that I want to do (HND in photography) and all the portfolio requirements, think I'm on the right track! it's been such a long time since I've been in full time education! and I didn't see to many older students wandering around! Gulp!!!

I have my portfolio assessment day on Friday 19th March, so I'm getting everything ready for that! I have my images all printed out and I'm waiting for the mount boards to arrive!!! Once they are here I think I can relax a little, and make a final decision on which prints I want to put forward! Most of the print have come out fine, a couple are a little dark, and one of them seems to have been cropped??? which I made sure I used the right ratio for the print? So I'm not sure how that's happened? That is possible one print I will be leaving out!

Wish me luck!!!